Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Standards - The Rolling Stones - Exile On Main Street

The Standards is a feature setting the bar on the music level. And it’s pretty fucking high, dude.

“Got to scrap that shit right off your shoe.”

~ The Rolling Stones - Sweet Virginia

This is is what doing a shit ton of drugs in the south of France will get you. And by a shit ton I mean a shit ton, like UN drop loads of drugs. How the Rolling Stones pulled this off is beyond me and to be honest I’ll never understand. But, if anything this shows you what you can do with heroin kids. Just shoot speedballs from noon to midnight, forget to eat, and have a guitar next to and you too can write the next ‘Exile on Main Street.”

So, this is the best Rolling Stones album, period and it doesn’t have a huge single on it at all. Yes, ‘Tumbling Dice’ and ‘Loving Cup’ are recognizable but you’re not going to hear them at the next Superbowl Halftime show that’s for sure. And I think the main reason is they’re all about fucking over ladies, get fucked out by ladies, rocking out, and doing drugs. Basically this is a concept album about being a rock star and it’s the shit.

I’m the only one I know and probably on the planet earth who finds “Sweet Virginia” to be the best song on the thing but fuck it. It’s a country song about doing hard drugs so it’s cool. Every song kicks ass. ‘Rip This Joint’, ‘Torn And Frayed’, and ‘Tumbling Dice’ are proof.

In one of the better icebreakers, ‘Beatles or Stones’ I used to be Beatles all the way. But, this album changed that and that still knocks my dick into the dirt thinking about that.


5 out of 5 Reds, Greens, and Blues

Album Just Re-released


Sweet Virginia:

Tumbling Dice:

Loving Cup:

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