Saturday, May 15, 2010

The National - High Violet

“I’ll explain everything to the geeks.”

~ The National - Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks

Shocker. I like the National. A mopey, white collar Bruce? Right up my fucking alley. And with ‘High Violet’ these dudes don’t disappoint.

What we got ourselves here are a bunch Brooklyniters who seem to be having trouble with life and a fucking great ear for music. Writing songs that don’t just allow for repeated listens. The demand it. The first run through this album, to be honest, is pretty unimpressive and you feel like you’ve been shorted. But, give it a couple days, one of the songs will pop into your head and then you give it a second listen and boom, you’re a junkie. A National fiend. Weeks and weeks on end becoming obsessed with the baritone lyrics about zombies, echoed guitars, syncopated drums, and horns that come in at just the right time. You start ignoring friends, spending more and more time with CD until it’s your only friend, you quote lyrics constantly to yourself, and pretty soon your turning tricks just to get tickets to a National show.

Yes, the album is that good. Listen to it and you’ll become a prostitute.

Now, the favorite tracks are changing constantly but the above and beyond best are “Conversation 16’, ‘Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks’, and ‘Runaway’. I’m not going to describe them just listen to them yourself. What, I’m not here for you. Make up you own mind. Get off my back. I’m done with this I’m going to listen to the damn thing again.


5 out of 5 College Graduates Whoring

Album Out Now

Listen: Runaway

Listen: Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks

Listen: Conversation 16

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