Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sleigh Bells - Treats

“Set, set that crown on the ground.”

~ Sleigh Bells - Crown on the Ground

Their album just came out? It feels like I’ve know about them forever. Everywhere on the internets, there Sleigh Bells was. And why not their songs are catchy and loud as fuck. It’s a damn joy to now have actual studio versions of the songs instead of ripped internet streamed.

So, this is a weird one. There’s no genre describing the kind of music they make. Until now. Blast pop. Your welcome. They use metal, pop, rap, funk, and pretty much everything other genre know to man and the animal kingdom. Then they mix the hell out of all of them to create a super loud set of songs that blast louder than anything in recent memory. And the cherry on the cake? The lady vocals. They’re super saccharine and totally work with the songs.

The only complaint? I have a strange reason I’ll get sick of this stuff real soon and that’s a shame. But, for now I’m in. You win Sleigh Bells. you win.


4 out of 5 Chicks With Braces

Album Out Now


Crown On The Ground:


Rill Rill:

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