Friday, April 30, 2010

The Standards – Bob Dylan - Nashville Skyline

The Standards is a feature setting the bar on the music level. And it’s pretty fucking high, dude.

“Little Jack Horner’s got nothing on me.”

~Bob Dylan – Country Pie

I’m not going to gush over how awesome Bob Dylan. Everyone knows and if they think he sucks. They suck, plain and simple. This was his country phase and a fucking good phase at that. He wrote songs with Johnny Cash (who appears on the first track), his country/blues band, and knocked it out of the fucking park. There is not a bad moment, like a misplaced note or weird transition, on the damn thing and I’ve tried to find one. It’s so simple sounding but after repeat listens you realize everyone’s at the top of their game.

The album’s full of highs and lows dealing with subjects like scorned love all to pie. Come on the guy can sing about pie, on Country Pie, and it still sounds better than anything out now. Honest to god, pie, he wrote a song about pie and it’s one of his best songs. Though now I think about it, it might be a metaphor for lady parts. Yeah, that makes sense. Suck it Warrant. Dylan beat you to the pie = vagina metaphor. And there’s a rare instrumental, Nashville Skyline Rag, that’s pure bluegrass that sounds like it was stolen from some Appalachian snake charmer’s one-room mountainside shack.

To bring it all together. It’s one of Dylan’s best. It doesn’t have as many well know songs on it. But, who cares about “Blowing In the Wind?” It’s been pretty much covered to death.


5 out of 5 Snake Bit Thumbs Up

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