Friday, April 30, 2010

Method Man, Ghostface, Raekwon – Wu Massacre

“Fuck you. Pay me.”

~Method Man – Mef Vs. Chef 2

Four words that sum up pretty much all of hip-hop in its 30 odd year lifespan. Shit 30 years? No wonder most of it has gotten so damn dull. I bet hip-hop loves wine tasting and watching the Food Network now. Where was I. Oh yeah, so Method Man on this short but sweet album crafted the hip-hop thesis paragraph. Yeah, retained middle school English knowledge.

This album clocks out at a half hour but damn if isn’t a good half. It’s chocked full of good beats, provided by RZA, Allah Mathematics, etc and ridiculous lines, see Mef Vs. Chef 2. And as an added bonus Tracy Jor-Morgan making absolutely no sense is awkwardly placed right in the middle of album. But, it’s Tracy Morgan and anything that guy does is hilarious so it gets a lifetime pass. Is it the best hip-hop this year? No. But, who cares. It’s the best of the Wu all together, chopping swords. I’m sold.


3 out of 5 White Kids Doing The Wu Sign Wrong

Album Out Now

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