Friday, April 30, 2010

Holy Fuck - Latin

Holy Fuck, Holy Fuck. Seriously, holy fuck. When did they so damn good? Answer me that. Their first CD, Holy Fuck, was retarded good. But, when it seems like they sit down and actually write some shit down they seem to have a serious goal of blowing the ears off of drugboozeheads at some club in freezing ass Toronto. There’s got to be something in the water up there in Canada because Canadian musicians seem to be kicking fucking ass. I should know I’ve lived there and the people up there seem, I don’t know, smarter, nicer, and overall better at life than most of the schmucks below the 49th parallel.

But, I digress. Latin is one of those electronic albums that seems to blur together to one long song after listening but never gets old. There’s too few of them out there and there should be more but to most electronic artists crafting an album seems to be an afterthought. (Go ahead and disagree, whatever, but be honest all Justice pretty much sounds the same.) The bass and drums seem to be taking a bigger role in the band. Listen to “Red Lights” once and that bass line will be in your head for the rest of the week, guaranteed. The Mega Man quality of “Stilettos” made me laugh out loud at how ridiculous it is but it works. And P.I.G.S is the super loud and triumphant end such a sweet album deserves. Holy Fuck stepped it up a notch with this record, a big fucking notch.


4 out of 5 Game Boy Shaped E-Tabs

Listen: Red Lights

Listen: Stilettos

Album Out Now

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