Friday, April 30, 2010

Doug Stanhope – From Across The Street

“I had a guy kill himself after a show.”

~ Doug Stanhope – Clark Adams

“He’s the guy who ruined the Man Show.” Go ahead, thank him. (shakes fist) Thank him. He got that piece of shit television show kicked the fuck off the air and I love him for it. Doug describes himself as a “fetish comedian” and after a 20-year career and most people still haven’t heard of him I’ll give it to him. But, fuck is he funny and not in your “big Bang Theory Funny.” More like eating Darfur babies funny, actual premise on the album. Dark wouldn’t even describe how goddamn sick this dude is and it’s magical like raining kittens or watching a kid get hit in public.

The topics on the album range from child porn, Darfur, health care, all the way to awkward elevator conversations. All of it sick and all of it funny as shit. And the best part of it is he sounds like he’s on the verge of death the entire time. Just trying to drink away the DT’s on stage so he doesn’t have a goddamn heart attack and have it recorded on tape. Stay gold, you sick fuck Doug. Stay gold.


4 ½ out of 5 Lines of Mocaine

Album is out now. Buy it. He needs the booze money.

Him on Sarah Palin

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