Friday, April 30, 2010

Caribou – Swim


~ Caribou – Sun

To be honest I’ve never listened to Caribou before this album. And to be honest again, I’m not going to listen to anymore. Yeah, sure there’s some sweet underwatery sound tracks on this thing “Bowls” and “Sun” are sweet. But, the rest of the songs are hard to distinguish from one another like late night strip club visits. You don’t know where you were but you remember seeing some poor single mom’s boobs.

Listen I get the whole, “making a dance album sound like it’s made with water.” It’s a novel concept pushing to almost interesting. But it’s not quite there. So, as for dance/electronic albums it’s so, so. But, hey he did make a couple sweet ass songs that have been on repeat heavily.


2 out of 5 Drowning Fauna

Album Out Now

Listen: Bowls

Listen: Sun

Treme Review

It’s good. It’s really good. It’s not “The Wire.” (Stop griping. We all want it back. Get over it). And all the music on it is great. Watch it. It’s the anti-Glee. Fuck you Glee. Fuck you in your stupid face.

Method Man, Ghostface, Raekwon – Wu Massacre

“Fuck you. Pay me.”

~Method Man – Mef Vs. Chef 2

Four words that sum up pretty much all of hip-hop in its 30 odd year lifespan. Shit 30 years? No wonder most of it has gotten so damn dull. I bet hip-hop loves wine tasting and watching the Food Network now. Where was I. Oh yeah, so Method Man on this short but sweet album crafted the hip-hop thesis paragraph. Yeah, retained middle school English knowledge.

This album clocks out at a half hour but damn if isn’t a good half. It’s chocked full of good beats, provided by RZA, Allah Mathematics, etc and ridiculous lines, see Mef Vs. Chef 2. And as an added bonus Tracy Jor-Morgan making absolutely no sense is awkwardly placed right in the middle of album. But, it’s Tracy Morgan and anything that guy does is hilarious so it gets a lifetime pass. Is it the best hip-hop this year? No. But, who cares. It’s the best of the Wu all together, chopping swords. I’m sold.


3 out of 5 White Kids Doing The Wu Sign Wrong

Album Out Now

Doug Stanhope – From Across The Street

“I had a guy kill himself after a show.”

~ Doug Stanhope – Clark Adams

“He’s the guy who ruined the Man Show.” Go ahead, thank him. (shakes fist) Thank him. He got that piece of shit television show kicked the fuck off the air and I love him for it. Doug describes himself as a “fetish comedian” and after a 20-year career and most people still haven’t heard of him I’ll give it to him. But, fuck is he funny and not in your “big Bang Theory Funny.” More like eating Darfur babies funny, actual premise on the album. Dark wouldn’t even describe how goddamn sick this dude is and it’s magical like raining kittens or watching a kid get hit in public.

The topics on the album range from child porn, Darfur, health care, all the way to awkward elevator conversations. All of it sick and all of it funny as shit. And the best part of it is he sounds like he’s on the verge of death the entire time. Just trying to drink away the DT’s on stage so he doesn’t have a goddamn heart attack and have it recorded on tape. Stay gold, you sick fuck Doug. Stay gold.


4 ½ out of 5 Lines of Mocaine

Album is out now. Buy it. He needs the booze money.

Him on Sarah Palin

Holy Fuck - Latin

Holy Fuck, Holy Fuck. Seriously, holy fuck. When did they so damn good? Answer me that. Their first CD, Holy Fuck, was retarded good. But, when it seems like they sit down and actually write some shit down they seem to have a serious goal of blowing the ears off of drugboozeheads at some club in freezing ass Toronto. There’s got to be something in the water up there in Canada because Canadian musicians seem to be kicking fucking ass. I should know I’ve lived there and the people up there seem, I don’t know, smarter, nicer, and overall better at life than most of the schmucks below the 49th parallel.

But, I digress. Latin is one of those electronic albums that seems to blur together to one long song after listening but never gets old. There’s too few of them out there and there should be more but to most electronic artists crafting an album seems to be an afterthought. (Go ahead and disagree, whatever, but be honest all Justice pretty much sounds the same.) The bass and drums seem to be taking a bigger role in the band. Listen to “Red Lights” once and that bass line will be in your head for the rest of the week, guaranteed. The Mega Man quality of “Stilettos” made me laugh out loud at how ridiculous it is but it works. And P.I.G.S is the super loud and triumphant end such a sweet album deserves. Holy Fuck stepped it up a notch with this record, a big fucking notch.


4 out of 5 Game Boy Shaped E-Tabs

Listen: Red Lights

Listen: Stilettos

Album Out Now

The Standards – Bob Dylan - Nashville Skyline

The Standards is a feature setting the bar on the music level. And it’s pretty fucking high, dude.

“Little Jack Horner’s got nothing on me.”

~Bob Dylan – Country Pie

I’m not going to gush over how awesome Bob Dylan. Everyone knows and if they think he sucks. They suck, plain and simple. This was his country phase and a fucking good phase at that. He wrote songs with Johnny Cash (who appears on the first track), his country/blues band, and knocked it out of the fucking park. There is not a bad moment, like a misplaced note or weird transition, on the damn thing and I’ve tried to find one. It’s so simple sounding but after repeat listens you realize everyone’s at the top of their game.

The album’s full of highs and lows dealing with subjects like scorned love all to pie. Come on the guy can sing about pie, on Country Pie, and it still sounds better than anything out now. Honest to god, pie, he wrote a song about pie and it’s one of his best songs. Though now I think about it, it might be a metaphor for lady parts. Yeah, that makes sense. Suck it Warrant. Dylan beat you to the pie = vagina metaphor. And there’s a rare instrumental, Nashville Skyline Rag, that’s pure bluegrass that sounds like it was stolen from some Appalachian snake charmer’s one-room mountainside shack.

To bring it all together. It’s one of Dylan’s best. It doesn’t have as many well know songs on it. But, who cares about “Blowing In the Wind?” It’s been pretty much covered to death.


5 out of 5 Snake Bit Thumbs Up


This is the first of, hopefully, many posts for a new music blog. Yeah! It's not an over-saturated niche at all. Writing about music and putting in blog form, totally original. I'm an effing genius. Hundreds and hundreds of million dollars here I come.