Thursday, June 3, 2010

Kyle Kinane – Death of the Party

“Good news guys. I don’t have to go to bed anymore. Cause it looks like all my dreams are coming true in the daytime.”

~Kyle Kinane – Way of the World

The man is sad, the man likes booze, the man likes 80’s power ballads, and he’s funny as a motherfucker. This is Kyle Kinane’s first album and he…fucking…kills.

His stand up solely focuses on his personal experiences. It doesn’t go into political land or lofty high in the sky theories as so many comics do now. No, he sticks with what he knows, being a art school graduate with no job skills, a heavy drinking problem, and no real future ahead of him. And that sounds completely isolated.

But no, everything he says is totally relatable from having soul-sucking jobs, to yelling at the TV, to loneliness. All of it funny as shit. But, at the end of the album you’re sad that it’s over. Not that you just listened to a sad dude saying sad stuff for an hour and now you’re bummed.

There are a…fuckload…of funny ass bits, lines, concepts, etc etc on this fantastic, magic wonder, ride of an album. Talking about blaming your parents for a drunk driving accident, to laughing at yourself because you still believe in yourself, to fucking dinosaur shampoo. Dino-fucking-saur shampoo. Amazing. And they all require you to listen to them again because you don’t believe what you’re hearing at first.

This is without a doubt one of the best comedy albums this year, hell probably this decade, but then again we’re only a year into it. Get it and laugh at sadness. Right in its fucking emotional face.


5 out of 5 Shattered Dreams

Album Out Now



Race Car Bed

Sucky Jobs

The Cool Kids - Tacklebox

“Got $100. Knocked off the phone bill. Call Everybody. Everybody’s all in.”

~The Cool Kids – Parking Lot

It’s fucking all 2008 again. It seems everything out now either is shit or the group was awesome in back in those loverly ‘pre-economic raping of America’s bank account’ days.

These guys seemed to be everywhere. Then nowhere. Now they’re back to everywhere and back with a sweet mixtape that just begs to be paid for. This tape will be one of the best and probably be up there as one of the best hip-hop records this year.

Chuck Inglish and Mikey Rocks have grown up right. They’ve graduated from bikes to cars like real full-blown hip-hop artists. But, instead of talking about how sweet their ride is they’re bitching about how a mechanic is trying fuck them over. And for the rest they still talk all about clothes, your girlfriend, and McDonald’s breakfast. All while becoming damn good storytellers in there own right, even if it’s just about grilling at the beach.

Chuck has become a fucking great producer by the way. While his beats are still minimal as fuck they’re starting to get chopped up loops, 80’s synths, and bass lines with more that 2 notes. It’s a damn pleasure listening to them and they flow seamlessly into one another making it that much more impressive.

This is just a goddamn great mixtape and the fact that it’s free makes it all the more worthwhile. Even though you have to put up with a few DJ breaks. It’s still one of the better hip hop tapes out there.


4 out of 5 Black Mag Black Mag Black Mags

Download (free):


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